Minotaur Project
Development and implementation of novel biobased methods for the treatment of pesticide-contaminated wastewaters from agro-industries.

Presentation in the 6th International Symposium on Green Chemistry, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy
Presentation of the following research work in the “6th International Symposium on Green Chemistry, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy”, Thessaloniki, Greece Azis, K., Mavriou, Z., Karpouzas, D.G., Ntougias, S., Melidis, P. (2020). Evaluation of tertiary...
Presentation in the 6th International Symposium on Green Chemistry, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy
Presentation of the following research work in the “6th International Symposium on Green Chemistry, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy”, Thessaloniki, Greece Alexandropoulou, I., Mavriou, Z., Melidis, P., Karpouzas, D.G., Ntougias S. (2020). Biodegradation...
Presentation in the PREXV (Protection and Restoration of the Environment XV)
Presentation of the following research work in the “PREXV - Protection and Restoration of the Environment XV)”, Patras, Greece Mavriou, Z., Alexandropoulou, I., Melidis, P., Karpouzas, D.G., Ntougias, S. (2020). Biotreatment of fruit processing wastewater of high...
Publication of research article in the international journal “Environmental Science and Pollution Research” entitled “Biotreatment and bacterial succession in an upflow immobilized cell bioreactor fed with fludioxonil wastewater”
Publication of research article in the international jurnal “Environmental Science and Pollution Research” entitled “Biotreatment and bacterial succession in an upflow immobilized cell bioreactor fed with fludioxonil wastewater” Mavriou, Z., Alexandropoulou, I.,...
The Meeting of the 2nd year of activities of the Minotaur research project
The Meeting of the 2nd year of activities of the Minotaur research project was held online, on 16 June 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Presentation in the 11th World Congress on Water Resources and Environment (EWRA 2019) “Managing Water Resources for a Sustainable Future”
Presentation of the following research work in the “11th World Congress on Water Resources and Environment (EWRA 2019) “Managing Water Resources for a Sustainable Future”, Madrid, Spain: Alexandropoulou I., Mavriou Z., Melidis P., Karpouzas D.G. and Ntougias S....